I Love Stories

calligraphy, story, ink, feather, a book, vintage, old, wood, fairy tale, author, writer, diary, story, story, story, story, author, author, writer, writer, writer, writer, writer, diary

I love stories

Stories that grip my mind

Stories that attach to my soul and stay there forever

Stories that Pull my imagination and take it to the levels that I never thought existed

Stories of mystery

Stories of chase and run

The stories that show me characters, who have their own stories

Built up characters, strong characters, characters with shades, characters I can relate to.

I love stories where it is difficult to make out who is the actual murderer

I love stories where the protagonist is a loser on self discovery

I love the stories about friendship

I don’t like love stories though, but I like stories which imbibe imperfect love in them.

I love stories of victory of dreams

I love stories about dysfunctional families who fight at odd times

Though I love stories that uncover itself layer by layer but I also like to have a certain pace to it

I want to know the story from the beginning to the end but I don’t want to know the end before it actually does end

The habit of the story to slowly reveal it’s secret annoy me a bit but it’s the only thing that grips me till the end.

The death of my favourite characters despair me but I also know that is there trick to keep the story alive for long and it works for sure.

So, I love stories, and I read them and watch them

Day in and day out and I write them
Because I love stories but, most of all I love the craft called Storytelling.

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