Will you still love me?
If I tell you, that my face is more than the photos you see of me in the virtual world,
That it has got no filters,
That I still look at it sometimes and manage to admire it
And sometimes, it is what it is and its still fine for me
Will you still love me?
If I tell you that cheerful is not the only emotion I carry,
That these eyes say more than you can see,
That these lips move for more than just a smile,
That these eyebrows rise for more than just be amazed
Willl you still love me?
That I have dreams I dream, I have wishes I want to be fulfilled and things I aspire.
That my beauty isn’t significant to your fantasies
That I look up to be my own person
Will you still love me?
If I told you, I am not a perfect human being I don’t even aspire to be perfect
That I seek for the beauty in imperfections
That I see my imperfect face through a broken glass and see two things mending eachother.
I will keep on growing, I will love you growing too
But,tell me, assure me,
Will you still love me ?