Look at what we have made of ourselves these days,

We grieve in this world while being happy in our graves

The last time we cried

Was when it died

We tried hard to redeem

Our self- esteem

Some people wear crowns which are not their own

Outside we smile while inside we frown

Guess what? The two theatre masks dont lie

But the one used more the other one dies

Put together the show moves forward

On stage we are all heroes,backstage we feel coward

Acting in plays we forgot to live realities

We see through other’s eyes but forget to tell our stories

We cry not natural

Our smiles are fractured

But stop, take a deep breath and see

Because there is more to do more to be

There are books you haven’t read

There are Princes who haven’t arrived at your bed

There are poems to write and songs to sing

There are snacks to eat and smoothies to drink

And for remembrance is a thing

So, remember this one thing

Captains may die but the ships they sail live for long

And so, your words will stay even when you are gone.

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