I am done!
I am done suppressing the shout in my throat with the whispers in your ears
I am done suppressing the thing of beauty in my head over the beauty on my face
I like to read,
I read a lot,
Stories written by different minds
That makes me think
That make me question
So, when you ask me to ‘paint it red!’
I questioned,why not green? Or yellow? Or blue? Or purple?
Its my sky after all, my land, I shall paint it however I shall may
When you told me to smile,
I,ah…. wanted to ask you how?
Do I need reasons to smile?
Are you going to give me them?or do I have to find myself?
And if I have to find myself, why would you curb it one by one
You asked me to read what you do
I asked you what is so good about the book you read?
I asked you if I could seek for myself, the knowledge I would like to have? or maybe make the fables of my own?
You quoted verses asked me to do the same,
But never, ever did you asked me, if I ever liked to recite them? Or do I mean it when I say them? or do I know what it means? Do I understand?
You asked me to be a better person, I asked how?
You showed me a hundereds like you,
I asked you how are those hundereds like you better than the thousands like me?
I asked for your flaws? I asked you, isnt it god, a human without flaws?
Lastly, you asked me to worship the god you made
But, I was clearly able to see options laid infront of me,
So, I asked you, what if I can chose one of them, or non of them and make my own as you did?
I asked you, day in and day out, about my doubt, about my queries, about things you were teaching me,
But you, you chose to stay silent
You never really gave answers, you just mumbled statements,
Maybe you never liked questions
So, I thought I will find others who love questions,
And when we all gathered up together all filled with question marks,
You stepped back further and called us all, ‘Rebels!’
But now, it was decided, we were going to keep up the questions,
And if that is what rebel is,
Hell yes, we are rebel for a cause
And why not for once let us all be that.