The home that was

I remember the home that was
The home that was my childhood
I remember the verandah, the swing in the verandah
The swing we all swung on
Me, my brother my cousin sister, my friends, more cousins
I remember my grandfather, the things he use to tell us
And now that he is not there even a single word that was etched as part of his tongue reminds me of the best of his conversations
I remember my grandmother and her tales
Not that there were many
But, all her anecdotes all her sayings had some
I remember those walls which became part of my teaching game posing as blackboards
Because where can one teach the imaginary kids than the walls painted in green and pink chalks
I remember the stupid made up games I use to play
All alone or with stupid little friends
Both my games and friends were not stupid then you see
And, now that stupidity is a fun filled memory
I remember the home that was so much
That I have forgotten when was the last time I felt like home away from home
Now, I think if I can go back, once, the home that was would be my home away from home
But, I can’t you see
But, maybe I can build a home that will be
Maybe someday
Maybe I am not that far from home

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