All of you who think of Love as a Fairy Tale!
Let me tell you this,
You may not find your Prince Charming, or your Cinderella.
You do not have to fit in the slippers, he got for you.You can just wear whatever you would like to
You do not have to eat that poisonous apple and sleep for days .
Just to be awaken by his kiss.
You can ignore the apple and have pizzas and still find a guy to share a bite with
You don’t have to cut down your identity and fit in the ways he likes you.
You can just go about swimming, or floating or dancing and love a guy who ‘Love you like you do’
Even if he doesn’t love swimming or dancing just like you.
You don’t have to call a Genie who will make you look like a Prince.
You can just be yourself and still make her fall in love with you.
Because, she can be a princess or even a queen, but she may still like Alladin over Prince Ali.
And you dont have to climb mountains for her.
You just have to wait, until she does that, and comes back to you
And say she loves you because, when all the other went, you stayed.
And you can just say ‘Always’
So, you see love is not a fairy tale, it’s a reality.
One of the biggest reality.
Love will not always be those, prince and princess.
They are just gonna be real people.
They can just be there wearing quite normal dresses and spects and be a little clumsy just like me.
And love is not extraordinary, it was not never meant to be.
It was and will always be simple and ordinary.
And still be beautiful just like you and me