My Weird Wishes

I have weird wishes
I want to have a home of my own
In the middle of a forest
Imagine the kind of adventures I could have
Like all those characters in my favourite fantasies
But then I think that happens in just the movie
And it’s better to be just an imagination of mine for, it will help me write poems and stories.

I have weird wishes
I want my life to be a film
And where I am the central character ofcourse
But then I think we all are the central characters of our own shitty stories
Where we are struggling each day to make it a blockbuster

I have weird wishes
I want my crush to fall for me
The way I did
But then I remember all I had for him is over
And I realise that even if he would have loved me
I would have never really wanted that

I have weird wishes
I want a handsome boy to love me
But he should be good at heart,
And should have a lovely voice too
But then I realise I am asking for perfection in the name of a partner
Which I am not
So, I leave that thought too

So, you see I have weird wishes
And I am sure you would have some too.

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