
I am trying to make myself heard, so please let me be!
Said the secrets inside my heart out loud
So loud, my ear can hear them, but can’t help but stay silent.
Secrets, what are secrets?
Secrets are the biggest key to your mind
But that key has been thrown into the ocean of your heart.
Deep down. Trying with every push to come on the surface.
But those waves, they are not letting it come up.
Waves of fear, fear of consequences
Of what will happen next?
And now, there is a double pressure
My mind wants those secrets to be out
But my heart won’t let them
And now, I have to make a decision which one to listen to
Because I know
It’s not me alone
There is someone somewhere, who has done something terrible
And knows what she did was wrong
But hide it, for people won’t let her be better
But judge immediately
There is someone, somewhere
Trying to express her feelings about something her family may not approve of
But is silent because family matters
More than just feelings
There is someone, somewhere
Who fell in love with someone or something
That was unacceptable in their community
And they live in that community
And will have to continue to do so
So, just went silent about it
And most importantly someone, somewhere
Told all of them and me
That some secrets are better than the truth
So, we never said anything
So, whose fault it is that there is so much more to be known about so many things,
and people.
So, let’s keep a secret meeting of letting out secrets
And share without fear, of getting judged
So…. secret! Are you keeping any?PostBlock

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